
MacBook Air Backlight problem Solved LP8550 Case Study

Apple itself has a status symbol brand that shows the status of users. As much as the high-profile device we get the harder the repairing becomes of such devices. We have to work with every aspect of that device in mind. MacBook Air Backlight problem is one of them.

One such case study came to me which was in the MacBook screen backlight not working condition. So I am presenting the details of repairing how I have corrected it step by step.

My Secret PI-EO Laptop Repair System

PI-EO is standing for Physical Inputs Enable Output. It’s a four parts process where we analyze as follows.

  1. Physical Verification
  2. Input Voltages
  3. Enables triggers
  4. Output Voltages

Based on the steps written above, we will talk about how we Solved Backlight problem in MacBook Air.

MacBook Air Backlight problem Case Study

The MacBook Air Back Light Repairing Cost also gets too high due to the high-cost service of the MacBook Repair.

We can not do it less, but fasting the repairing process can save time and make cost-effective.

Step 1-Physical Verification

The most important thing to repair any device is to make a physical verification of this device.

In physical verification, we find that the device is not a water damaged, that means there is no damage due to the Moisture in that device.

In my case study, there is no sign of damage and Moisture

Step 2-Input Voltages

Input lp8550

All inputs in my case study were normal and fine.


Step 3-Enable Analysis

lp8550 enables

Now time to analyze All enables. Enables are SMBUS_PCH_CLK, SMBUS_PCH_CLK, SMBUS_PCH_CLK which are proper and in good values.

Step 4-Output Voltages

lp8550 returns led signals

This is the final part where I got the problem lp8550 Negative terminals are not working. All returning signals not switching. I simply Change the Ic and System Working Well.


macbook air backlight ic

Normal We can fix problems like MacBook Air Backlight Flickering, MacBook Screen backlight not working backlight not working by replacing the MacBook Air BackLight IC. Sometimes a problem is also solved replacing the MacBook Air backlight fuse.

MacBook Air Backlight problem Solved by replacing lp8550 backlight ic.

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