Online Laptop Repair forums is increasing day by day. Repair information is throughout the web in the form of case studies, tips, and tricks. we usually see in forum type of discussion websites and blogs where engineers can find knowledge and skills. Some of the forums give free access and some are paid or in the form of contribution (like point basis). I am also engaged with my laptoprefix.com where members can post and upload data to earn points and access areas like conversation bios files. Case studies are free to read without login but only for images users should log in. So Here I Describe some of them are popular forum sites I know most and use to find problems.
Laptop repair forums famous in chip-level engineers
This is one of my favorite forum sites. It’s in the Russian language Designed in PhpBB and very well arranged to understand its informational area is mostly hard disk, password, laptop repair, and bios firmware. An account is free and accessible.
This forum is in The Polish language. Mostly famous for the schematic. it has a huge amount of schematics for different devices. but very hard to participate in form very hard control. administration and moderation are very strict. it’s totally pointing base forum.
This forum is a Chinese based simply contributed forum you have to earn points by uploading your information and data. Then you can download something. So if you do not contribute this site is not for you.
Same as above this site is a massive hit in China and other regions for laptop repairing skills and case studies. Most of the technical exercises are written by engineers on daily case studies, much more here to learn about repair either it’s for mobile or laptops.
This forum is in Russian Language and knowledge level is in every field of electronics and software. no points required for download and upload free to share.this is very good and recommended a site for all.
This site is in the Vietnamese language. and usually used for schematics but now it also turns to be a good forum site for laptop repairs.
This is also free of contribution site for laptop repair. all data is free to access a full charity site. I always happy and confident when I find something on this site. mostly use for bios files and schematics.
This site is for Schematics only any other info is mostly for members only. this site is also found for apple conversion tricks. the team of this forum site is very skilled and active in new studies.
Its very good laptop repairing forum site for schematics and pdfs for repairs in mobile and laptops. By default, anyone can download two schematics per day.
This is one of the most powerful forum in laptop repair forums. Vlab has very expert users. they have very latest info available on site for discussion I personally recommended to use this site for learning new things.