Result For Pincode of city Pottangi
Office: Nandapur S.O
Pin Code: 764037
City: Pottangi
PinCode 764037 is pincode of Nandapur S.O in Pottangi city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06868-273522
Office: Padwa S.O (Koraput)
Pin Code: 764038
City: Pottangi
PinCode 764038 is pincode of Padwa S.O (Koraput) in Pottangi city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06868-275422
Office: Pottangi S.O
Pin Code: 764039
City: Pottangi
PinCode 764039 is pincode of Pottangi S.O in Pottangi city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06853-252522
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