Result For Pincode of city Nakodar
Office: Bopa Rai Kalan S.O (Jalandhar)
Pin Code: 144630
City: Nakodar
PinCode 144630 is pincode of Bopa Rai Kalan S.O (Jalandhar) in Nakodar city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:01821-245343
Office: Nakoder S.O
Pin Code: 144040
City: Nakodar
PinCode 144040 is pincode of Nakoder S.O in Nakodar city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:01821-222711
Office: Nurmahal S.O
Pin Code: 144039
City: Nakodar
PinCode 144039 is pincode of Nurmahal S.O in Nakodar city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:01826-242043
Office: Sarih S.O
Pin Code: 144043
City: Nakodar
PinCode 144043 is pincode of Sarih S.O in Nakodar city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:01821-247205
Office: Shankar S.O
Pin Code: 144042
City: Nakodar
PinCode 144042 is pincode of Shankar S.O in Nakodar city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:01821-245330