Result For Pincode of city Malur
Office: Malur Railway Station S.O
Pin Code: 563160
City: Malur
PinCode 563160 is pincode of Malur Railway Station S.O in Malur city of district Kolar of KARNATAKA State.
District:Kolar State:KARNATAKA Telephone:08151-233270
Office: Malur S.O
Pin Code: 563130
City: Malur
PinCode 563130 is pincode of Malur S.O in Malur city of district Kolar of KARNATAKA State.
District:Kolar State:KARNATAKA Telephone:08151-234391
Office: Masthi S.O
Pin Code: 563139
City: Malur
PinCode 563139 is pincode of Masthi S.O in Malur city of district Kolar of KARNATAKA State.
District:Kolar State:KARNATAKA Telephone:08151-236230
Office: Tekal S.O
Pin Code: 563137
City: Malur
PinCode 563137 is pincode of Tekal S.O in Malur city of district Kolar of KARNATAKA State.
District:Kolar State:KARNATAKA Telephone:08151-237430
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