Result For Pincode of city Magra
Office: Akna B.O
Pin Code: 712148
City: Magra
PinCode 712148 is pincode of Akna B.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:NA
Office: Barunanpara B.O
Pin Code: 712148
City: Magra
PinCode 712148 is pincode of Barunanpara B.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:NA
Office: Digsui B.O
Pin Code: 712148
City: Magra
PinCode 712148 is pincode of Digsui B.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:NA
Office: Itachuna S.O
Pin Code: 712147
City: Magra
PinCode 712147 is pincode of Itachuna S.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:03213-272364
Office: Nayasarai S.O
Pin Code: 712513
City: Magra
PinCode 712513 is pincode of Nayasarai S.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:033-26844248
Office: Pakri B.O
Pin Code: 712148
City: Magra
PinCode 712148 is pincode of Pakri B.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:NA
Office: Patna B.O
Pin Code: 712148
City: Magra
PinCode 712148 is pincode of Patna B.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:NA
Office: Ramnathpur B.O
Pin Code: 712148
City: Magra
PinCode 712148 is pincode of Ramnathpur B.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:NA
Office: Sultangacha B.O
Pin Code: 712148
City: Magra
PinCode 712148 is pincode of Sultangacha B.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:NA
Office: Talandu B.O
Pin Code: 712148
City: Magra
PinCode 712148 is pincode of Talandu B.O in Magra city of district Hooghly of WEST BENGAL State.
District:Hooghly State:WEST BENGAL Telephone:NA