Result For Pincode of city Laharpur
Office: Akbarpur B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Akbarpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Angarasi Shekhwapur B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Angarasi Shekhwapur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Behra Kodehra B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Behra Kodehra B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Beni Sarain B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Beni Sarain B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Bhadfar B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Bhadfar B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Bilariya B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Bilariya B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Dhakera B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Dhakera B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Dhondhi B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Dhondhi B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Dhourahra B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Dhourahra B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Dugana B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Dugana B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Gauria Jhal B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Gauria Jhal B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Gularipurwa B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Gularipurwa B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Gurepara B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Gurepara B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Itauwa B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Itauwa B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Kabirpur Budhanpur B.O
Pin Code: 261121
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261121 is pincode of Kabirpur Budhanpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Kakrahi B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Kakrahi B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Kalabahadurpur B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Kalabahadurpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Karseora B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Karseora B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Katesar B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Katesar B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Kusepa B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Kusepa B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Laharpur East B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Laharpur East B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Laharpur S.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Laharpur S.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:05862-254621
Office: Lakhuwabehar B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Lakhuwabehar B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Lalpur B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Lalpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Maithaura B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Maithaura B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Makanpur B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Makanpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Makhpur Jareli B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Makhpur Jareli B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Mallapur B.O
Pin Code: 261208
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261208 is pincode of Mallapur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Maror B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Maror B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Marsanda B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Marsanda B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Matuwa Saraiyan B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Matuwa Saraiyan B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Mubarakpur B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Mubarakpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Mudrasan B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Mudrasan B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Murthana B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Murthana B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Nabinagar B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Nabinagar B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Naseerpur B.O
Pin Code: 261202
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261202 is pincode of Naseerpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Nimauchi B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Nimauchi B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Parsendi B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Parsendi B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Raipur Ganj B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Raipur Ganj B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Rakhauna B.O
Pin Code: 261121
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261121 is pincode of Rakhauna B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Ramnagar B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Ramnagar B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Ramuwapur B.O
Pin Code: 261208
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261208 is pincode of Ramuwapur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Sakaran B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Sakaran B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Samaisa B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Samaisa B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Shahpur B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Shahpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Sherpur B.O
Pin Code: 261135
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261135 is pincode of Sherpur B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Singhnapur S.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Singhnapur S.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:05862-270832
Office: Sonawan B.O
Pin Code: 261208
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261208 is pincode of Sonawan B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Sonsari B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Sonsari B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Sumrawan B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Sumrawan B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Talgaon S.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Talgaon S.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:05862-251670
Office: Tanda Kalan B.O
Pin Code: 261136
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261136 is pincode of Tanda Kalan B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Teola B.O
Pin Code: 261207
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261207 is pincode of Teola B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Tihar B.O
Pin Code: 261121
City: Laharpur
PinCode 261121 is pincode of Tihar B.O in Laharpur city of district Sitapur of UTTAR PRADESH State.
District:Sitapur State:UTTAR PRADESH Telephone:NA