Result For Pincode of city Kohima
Office: Chiechama S.O
Pin Code: 797105
City: Kohima
PinCode 797105 is pincode of Chiechama S.O in Kohima city of district Kohima of NAGALAND State.
District:Kohima State:NAGALAND Telephone:0370-2800671
Office: Kohima H.O
Pin Code: 797001
City: Kohima
PinCode 797001 is pincode of Kohima H.O in Kohima city of district Kohima of NAGALAND State.
District:Kohima State:NAGALAND Telephone:0370-2290929
Office: Kohima Science College S.O
Pin Code: 797002
City: Kohima
PinCode 797002 is pincode of Kohima Science College S.O in Kohima city of district Kohima of NAGALAND State.
District:Kohima State:NAGALAND Telephone:0370-2245807
Office: P.R Hill S.O
Pin Code: 797120
City: kohima
PinCode 797120 is pincode of P.R Hill S.O in kohima city of district Kohima of NAGALAND State.
District:Kohima State:NAGALAND Telephone:0370-224240
Office: Tseminyu S.O
Pin Code: 797109
City: Kohima
PinCode 797109 is pincode of Tseminyu S.O in Kohima city of district Kohima of NAGALAND State.
District:Kohima State:NAGALAND Telephone:0370-2235422