Result For Pincode of city Jeypur
Office: B.D.Pur S.O
Pin Code: 764001
City: Jeypur
PinCode 764001 is pincode of B.D.Pur S.O in Jeypur city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-240038
Office: Jeypore(K) Civil Court S.O
Pin Code: 764001
City: Jeypur
PinCode 764001 is pincode of Jeypore(K) Civil Court S.O in Jeypur city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-230273
Office: Jeypore(K) Fort S.O
Pin Code: 764001
City: Jeypur
PinCode 764001 is pincode of Jeypore(K) Fort S.O in Jeypur city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-232025
Office: Jeypore(K) Irrigation Colony S.O
Pin Code: 764004
City: Jeypur
PinCode 764004 is pincode of Jeypore(K) Irrigation Colony S.O in Jeypur city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-253026
Office: Jeypore(K) Koraput Road S.O
Pin Code: 764001
City: Jeypur
PinCode 764001 is pincode of Jeypore(K) Koraput Road S.O in Jeypur city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-233029
Office: Jeypore(K) R.S. S.O
Pin Code: 764002
City: Jeypur
PinCode 764002 is pincode of Jeypore(K) R.S. S.O in Jeypur city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-230216
Office: Prasadraopeta S.O
Pin Code: 764003
City: Jeypur
PinCode 764003 is pincode of Prasadraopeta S.O in Jeypur city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-232099