Result For Pincode of city Jeypore(k)
Office: Ambaguda S.O
Pin Code: 764055
City: Jeypore(k)
PinCode 764055 is pincode of Ambaguda S.O in Jeypore(k) city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-246622
Office: Boipariguda S.O
Pin Code: 764043
City: Jeypore(k)
PinCode 764043 is pincode of Boipariguda S.O in Jeypore(k) city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-249422
Office: Jayanagar S.O (Koraput)
Pin Code: 764005
City: Jeypore(k)
PinCode 764005 is pincode of Jayanagar S.O (Koraput) in Jeypore(k) city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-231626
Office: Jeypore(K) H.O
Pin Code: 764001
City: Jeypore(k)
PinCode 764001 is pincode of Jeypore(K) H.O in Jeypore(k) city of district Koraput of ODISHA State.
District:Koraput State:ODISHA Telephone:06854-233001
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