Result For Pincode of city Jalandhar -II
Office: BSF Campus S.O
Pin Code: 144006
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144006 is pincode of BSF Campus S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2244037
Office: Dakoha S.O
Pin Code: 144023
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144023 is pincode of Dakoha S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2413514
Office: Dayalpur S.O (Jalandhar)
Pin Code: 144419
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144419 is pincode of Dayalpur S.O (Jalandhar) in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:01826-257040
Office: Jamsher S.O
Pin Code: 144020
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144020 is pincode of Jamsher S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2445889
Office: Ladhewali S.O
Pin Code: 144007
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144007 is pincode of Ladhewali S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2413070
Office: Millitary Hospital S.O
Pin Code: 144005
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144005 is pincode of Millitary Hospital S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2260044
Office: P.A.P. Lines Jalandhar Cantt S.O
Pin Code: 144006
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144006 is pincode of P.A.P. Lines Jalandhar Cantt S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2411907
Office: R.E.C. Jalandhar S.O
Pin Code: 144011
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144011 is pincode of R.E.C. Jalandhar S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2690325
Office: Rama Mandi S.O
Pin Code: 144005
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144005 is pincode of Rama Mandi S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2419106
Office: Sadar Bazar Jalandhar Cantt S.O
Pin Code: 144005
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144005 is pincode of Sadar Bazar Jalandhar Cantt S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2260259
Office: Urban Estate S.O (Jalandhar)
Pin Code: 144022
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144022 is pincode of Urban Estate S.O (Jalandhar) in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2481143
Office: Butter B.O
Pin Code: 144622
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144622 is pincode of Butter B.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Kapurthala of PUNJAB State.
District:Kapurthala State:PUNJAB Telephone:NA
Office: Kartarpur S.O
Pin Code: 144801
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144801 is pincode of Kartarpur S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-6531211
Office: Khaira Majha B.O
Pin Code: 144603
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144603 is pincode of Khaira Majha B.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Kapurthala of PUNJAB State.
District:Kapurthala State:PUNJAB Telephone:NA
Office: Kudowal B.O
Pin Code: 144803
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144803 is pincode of Kudowal B.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Kapurthala of PUNJAB State.
District:Kapurthala State:PUNJAB Telephone:NA
Office: Pattar Kalan S.O
Pin Code: 144806
City: Jalandhar -II
PinCode 144806 is pincode of Pattar Kalan S.O in Jalandhar -II city of district Jalandhar of PUNJAB State.
District:Jalandhar State:PUNJAB Telephone:0181-2766678