Result For Pincode of city Jajpur Road
Office: Barundai S.O
Pin Code: 755025
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755025 is pincode of Barundai S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-241130
Office: Dangadi S.O
Pin Code: 755026
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755026 is pincode of Dangadi S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-220229
Office: Dolipur S.O
Pin Code: 755019
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755019 is pincode of Dolipur S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-220330
Office: Ferro Chrome Project S.O
Pin Code: 755020
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755020 is pincode of Ferro Chrome Project S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-220272
Office: Jajpur Road RS S.O
Pin Code: 755019
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755019 is pincode of Jajpur Road RS S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-220217
Office: Jenapur S.O
Pin Code: 755023
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755023 is pincode of Jenapur S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06725-261930
Office: Kalaringatta S.O
Pin Code: 755028
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755028 is pincode of Kalaringatta S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-268743
Office: Korei S.O
Pin Code: 755022
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755022 is pincode of Korei S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-220285
Office: Panikoili S.O
Pin Code: 755043
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755043 is pincode of Panikoili S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06725-240128
Office: Sankhachilla S.O
Pin Code: 755015
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755015 is pincode of Sankhachilla S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-220277
Office: Sobra S.O
Pin Code: 755019
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755019 is pincode of Sobra S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-220217
Office: Sukinda S.O
Pin Code: 755018
City: Jajpur Road
PinCode 755018 is pincode of Sukinda S.O in Jajpur Road city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06726-244430