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Result For Pincode of city Jajpur

Office: Adampur B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Adampur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Ahiyas S.O

Pin Code: 755036

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755036 is pincode of Ahiyas S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-222130

Office: Alakundanuagaon B.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Alakundanuagaon B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Ankula S.O

Pin Code: 755001

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755001 is pincode of Ankula S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-222130

Office: Aranga Purusottampur B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Aranga Purusottampur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Ardaulia B.O

Pin Code: 755036

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755036 is pincode of Ardaulia B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Arei S.O

Pin Code: 755027

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755027 is pincode of Arei S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-222164

Office: Arjunpur Brahmachari Patna B.O

Pin Code: 755036

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755036 is pincode of Arjunpur Brahmachari Patna B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Aunri B.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Aunri B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bachhalo B.O

Pin Code: 755012

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755012 is pincode of Bachhalo B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Badabanta B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Badabanta B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bahdalpur B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Bahdalpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Baidyarajpur B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Baidyarajpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Balamukulihat B.O

Pin Code: 755012

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755012 is pincode of Balamukulihat B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bamdevpur B.O

Pin Code: 755014

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755014 is pincode of Bamdevpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bandhamunda B.O

Pin Code: 755062

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755062 is pincode of Bandhamunda B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Baniapal B.O

Pin Code: 755027

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755027 is pincode of Baniapal B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bankamuhani B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Bankamuhani B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Banshipur B.O

Pin Code: 755012

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755012 is pincode of Banshipur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Barikul B.O

Pin Code: 755014

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755014 is pincode of Barikul B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Beruda B.O

Pin Code: 755043

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755043 is pincode of Beruda B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bhubaneswarpur B.O

Pin Code: 755043

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755043 is pincode of Bhubaneswarpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bhuinpur B.O

Pin Code: 755043

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755043 is pincode of Bhuinpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Biripatta B.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Biripatta B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bodua B.O

Pin Code: 755027

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755027 is pincode of Bodua B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Brahamanigaon B.O

Pin Code: 755027

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755027 is pincode of Brahamanigaon B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chasakhanda B.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Chasakhanda B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chhatrapara B.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Chhatrapara B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chitalo S.O

Pin Code: 755062

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755062 is pincode of Chitalo S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Dasarathpur S.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Dasarathpur S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-254635

Office: Debidwar S.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Debidwar S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-222116

Office: Dehurianandapur B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Dehurianandapur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Derakundi B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Derakundi B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Dhanipur B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Dhanipur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Dolagram Damodarpur B.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Dolagram Damodarpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Dubakana B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Dubakana B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Fatehpur B.O

Pin Code: 755012

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755012 is pincode of Fatehpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Gopabandhunagar B.O

Pin Code: 755036

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755036 is pincode of Gopabandhunagar B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Guhali B.O

Pin Code: 755027

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755027 is pincode of Guhali B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Haripur Hat B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Haripur Hat B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Iswarpur B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Iswarpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Jahanpur B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Jahanpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Jajpur Bazar S.O

Pin Code: 755001

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755001 is pincode of Jajpur Bazar S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-222164

Office: Jajpur College S.O

Pin Code: 755001

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755001 is pincode of Jajpur College S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-222128

Office: Jajpur H.O

Pin Code: 755001

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755001 is pincode of Jajpur H.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-222164

Office: Jayantara B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Jayantara B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Jharanga B.O

Pin Code: 755062

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755062 is pincode of Jharanga B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kabirpur S.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Kabirpur S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06725-278757

Office: Kamagarh B.O

Pin Code: 755043

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755043 is pincode of Kamagarh B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kamalpur B.O

Pin Code: 755036

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755036 is pincode of Kamalpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kamardihi B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Kamardihi B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kanikapara B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Kanikapara B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kantapari B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Kantapari B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kapasichhaka B.O

Pin Code: 755062

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755062 is pincode of Kapasichhaka B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Katikata B.O

Pin Code: 755014

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755014 is pincode of Katikata B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kayan B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Kayan B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Khairabad B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Khairabad B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Khanditar B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Khanditar B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Khannagar B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Khannagar B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Khosalpur B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Khosalpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kodandpur B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Kodandpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kuanlo B.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Kuanlo B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kuanrapur B.O

Pin Code: 755014

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755014 is pincode of Kuanrapur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kumbhuka B.O

Pin Code: 755027

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755027 is pincode of Kumbhuka B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kutchery Gaon B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Kutchery Gaon B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Lalbag B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Lalbag B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Madhubanhat B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Madhubanhat B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Mallikapur B.O

Pin Code: 755036

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755036 is pincode of Mallikapur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Mamadulla B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Mamadulla B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Mangalpur S.O (Jajapur)

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Mangalpur S.O (Jajapur) in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-258230

Office: Mangarajpur B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Mangarajpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Markandapur B.O

Pin Code: 755062

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755062 is pincode of Markandapur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Mashra S.O

Pin Code: 755012

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755012 is pincode of Mashra S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-230028

Office: Merdakatia Chhak B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Merdakatia Chhak B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Mirchandpur B.O

Pin Code: 755062

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755062 is pincode of Mirchandpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Mohantypatna B.O

Pin Code: 755036

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755036 is pincode of Mohantypatna B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Mugupal B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Mugupal B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Nakhei B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Nakhei B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Nandipur B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Nandipur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Narangochha B.O

Pin Code: 755036

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755036 is pincode of Narangochha B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Nathsahi B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Nathsahi B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Nehapara B.O

Pin Code: 755014

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755014 is pincode of Nehapara B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Palatpur B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Palatpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Paripada Nizampur B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Paripada Nizampur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Pritipur S.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Pritipur S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-237421

Office: Pubasahi B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Pubasahi B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Rahasoi B.O

Pin Code: 755062

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755062 is pincode of Rahasoi B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Rajendrapur B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Rajendrapur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Rakabi Bazar B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Rakabi Bazar B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Rambag S.O

Pin Code: 755014

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755014 is pincode of Rambag S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:06728-250110

Office: Ranpur B.O

Pin Code: 755012

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755012 is pincode of Ranpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Rasulpur B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Rasulpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Ratnagiri B.O

Pin Code: 754214

City: Jajpur

PinCode 754214 is pincode of Ratnagiri B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Sadanandapur B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Sadanandapur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Samantarapur B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Samantarapur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Sanakuanlo B.O

Pin Code: 755011

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755011 is pincode of Sanakuanlo B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Sasanda B.O

Pin Code: 755027

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755027 is pincode of Sasanda B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Simulia B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Simulia B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Solempur B.O

Pin Code: 755007

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755007 is pincode of Solempur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Sridharpur B.O

Pin Code: 755062

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755062 is pincode of Sridharpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Taranga Sagarpur B.O

Pin Code: 755006

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755006 is pincode of Taranga Sagarpur B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Tina B.O

Pin Code: 755012

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755012 is pincode of Tina B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Udranga B.O

Pin Code: 755014

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755014 is pincode of Udranga B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Uttangara B.O

Pin Code: 755014

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755014 is pincode of Uttangara B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Uttarkulhat B.O

Pin Code: 755013

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755013 is pincode of Uttarkulhat B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA

Office: Votka B.O

Pin Code: 755009

City: Jajpur

PinCode 755009 is pincode of Votka B.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.

District:Jajapur  State:ODISHA  Telephone:NA