Result For Pincode of city Jajpur
Office: Ahiyas S.O
Pin Code: 755036
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755036 is pincode of Ahiyas S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-222130
Office: Ankula S.O
Pin Code: 755001
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755001 is pincode of Ankula S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-222130
Office: Arei S.O
Pin Code: 755027
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755027 is pincode of Arei S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-222164
Office: Dasarathpur S.O
Pin Code: 755006
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755006 is pincode of Dasarathpur S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-254635
Office: Debidwar S.O
Pin Code: 755007
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755007 is pincode of Debidwar S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-222116
Office: Jajpur Bazar S.O
Pin Code: 755001
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755001 is pincode of Jajpur Bazar S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-222164
Office: Jajpur College S.O
Pin Code: 755001
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755001 is pincode of Jajpur College S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-222128
Office: Jajpur H.O
Pin Code: 755001
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755001 is pincode of Jajpur H.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-222164
Office: Kabirpur S.O
Pin Code: 755009
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755009 is pincode of Kabirpur S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06725-278757
Office: Mangalpur S.O (Jajapur)
Pin Code: 755011
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755011 is pincode of Mangalpur S.O (Jajapur) in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-258230
Office: Mashra S.O
Pin Code: 755012
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755012 is pincode of Mashra S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-230028
Office: Pritipur S.O
Pin Code: 755013
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755013 is pincode of Pritipur S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-237421
Office: Rambag S.O
Pin Code: 755014
City: Jajpur
PinCode 755014 is pincode of Rambag S.O in Jajpur city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:06728-250110