Result For Pincode of city Basoli
Office: Banhore B.O
Pin Code: 184202
City: Basoli
PinCode 184202 is pincode of Banhore B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Basoli S.O
Pin Code: 184201
City: Basoli
PinCode 184201 is pincode of Basoli S.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:01921-251209
Office: Farnot B.O
Pin Code: 184201
City: Basoli
PinCode 184201 is pincode of Farnot B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Jandrota B.O
Pin Code: 184201
City: Basoli
PinCode 184201 is pincode of Jandrota B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Karanwara B.O
Pin Code: 184202
City: Basoli
PinCode 184202 is pincode of Karanwara B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Mahanpur S.O
Pin Code: 184202
City: Basoli
PinCode 184202 is pincode of Mahanpur S.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:01922-234774
Office: Marapatti B.O
Pin Code: 184202
City: Basoli
PinCode 184202 is pincode of Marapatti B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Marta Nagrota B.O
Pin Code: 184201
City: Basoli
PinCode 184201 is pincode of Marta Nagrota B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Muni B.O
Pin Code: 184202
City: Basoli
PinCode 184202 is pincode of Muni B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Sabar B.O
Pin Code: 184202
City: Basoli
PinCode 184202 is pincode of Sabar B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Sananghat B.O
Pin Code: 184201
City: Basoli
PinCode 184201 is pincode of Sananghat B.O in Basoli city of district Kathua of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Kathua State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA