Result For Pincode of city Banihal
Office: Batroo B.O
Pin Code: 182145
City: Banihal
PinCode 182145 is pincode of Batroo B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Chambalwas B.O
Pin Code: 182146
City: Banihal
PinCode 182146 is pincode of Chambalwas B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Chareel B.O
Pin Code: 182146
City: Banihal
PinCode 182146 is pincode of Chareel B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Duligam B.O
Pin Code: 182146
City: Banihal
PinCode 182146 is pincode of Duligam B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Hoochak B.O
Pin Code: 182145
City: Banihal
PinCode 182145 is pincode of Hoochak B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Khari B.O
Pin Code: 182145
City: Banihal
PinCode 182145 is pincode of Khari B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Mahu B.O
Pin Code: 182146
City: Banihal
PinCode 182146 is pincode of Mahu B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Mangat B.O
Pin Code: 182146
City: Banihal
PinCode 182146 is pincode of Mangat B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Neel B.O
Pin Code: 182146
City: Banihal
PinCode 182146 is pincode of Neel B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Paristan B.O
Pin Code: 182145
City: Banihal
PinCode 182145 is pincode of Paristan B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Pogal B.O
Pin Code: 182145
City: Banihal
PinCode 182145 is pincode of Pogal B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Porandhar B.O
Pin Code: 182146
City: Banihal
PinCode 182146 is pincode of Porandhar B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Tarigam B.O
Pin Code: 182145
City: Banihal
PinCode 182145 is pincode of Tarigam B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA
Office: Thathar B.O
Pin Code: 182146
City: Banihal
PinCode 182146 is pincode of Thathar B.O in Banihal city of district Doda of JAMMU & KASHMIR State.
District:Doda State:JAMMU & KASHMIR Telephone:NA