PinCode 754024 is pincode of Barithengarh B.O in Badachana city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
District:Jajapur State:ODISHA Telephone:NA
PinCode 754023 is pincode of Gobindapursidhagiri B.O in Badachana city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
PinCode 754082 is pincode of Kalakala B.O in Badachana city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
PinCode 754024 is pincode of Koudakol B.O in Badachana city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.
PinCode 754296 is pincode of Sungura S.O (Jajapur) in Badachana city of district Jajapur of ODISHA State.