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Result For Pincode of city Aurad (b)

Office: Aurad (B) S.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Aurad (B) S.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:08485-280023

Office: Badalgaon B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Badalgaon B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Balat (K) B.O

Pin Code: 585436

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585436 is pincode of Balat (K) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bawalgaon B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Bawalgaon B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bedkunda B.O

Pin Code: 585436

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585436 is pincode of Bedkunda B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Belkoni (M) B.O

Pin Code: 585443

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585443 is pincode of Belkoni (M) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Bhandarkumta B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Bhandarkumta B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chandeshwar B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Chandeshwar B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chandori B.O

Pin Code: 585443

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585443 is pincode of Chandori B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chikli (J) B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Chikli (J) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chikli (U) B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Chikli (U) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chimegaon B.O

Pin Code: 585443

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585443 is pincode of Chimegaon B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Chordapka B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Chordapka B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Dhupat Mahagaon B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Dhupat Mahagaon B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Diggi B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Diggi B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Dongam (M) B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Dongam (M) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Ekamba B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Ekamba B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Hangarga(B) B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Hangarga(B) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Hedgapur B.O

Pin Code: 585436

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585436 is pincode of Hedgapur B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Hokarana B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Hokarana B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Holsamunder B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Holsamunder B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Jamgi B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Jamgi B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Jojana B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Jojana B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kalgapur B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Kalgapur B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kamalnagar S.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Kamalnagar S.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:08485-285222

Office: Karkyal B.O

Pin Code: 585443

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585443 is pincode of Karkyal B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kawadgaon B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Kawadgaon B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Khatgaon B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Khatgaon B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kollur (A) B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Kollur (A) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Korekal B.O

Pin Code: 585443

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585443 is pincode of Korekal B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kotgyal B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Kotgyal B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Kushnoor Gadi B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Kushnoor Gadi B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Ladha (A) B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Ladha (A) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Madnoor B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Madnoor B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Maskal B.O

Pin Code: 585436

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585436 is pincode of Maskal B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Medpalli B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Medpalli B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Mudhol (B) S.O

Pin Code: 585443

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585443 is pincode of Mudhol (B) S.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:08485-283751

Office: Mugnal B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Mugnal B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Murki B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Murki B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Nagmarpalli B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Nagmarpalli B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Nandi Bijalgaon B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Nandi Bijalgaon B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Raipalli B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Raipalli B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Sangam B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Sangam B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Santhpur S.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Santhpur S.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:08482-267630

Office: Sawali B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Sawali B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Sawargaon B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Sawargaon B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Shembelli B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Shembelli B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Sonala B.O

Pin Code: 585417

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585417 is pincode of Sonala B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Sundal B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Sundal B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Surhalli B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Surhalli B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Thanna Kushnoor S.O

Pin Code: 585436

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585436 is pincode of Thanna Kushnoor S.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:08485-288830

Office: Torna B.O

Pin Code: 585443

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585443 is pincode of Torna B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Ujani B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Ujani B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Wadgaon (D) B.O

Pin Code: 585421

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585421 is pincode of Wadgaon (D) B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA

Office: Yengunda B.O

Pin Code: 585326

City: Aurad (b)

PinCode 585326 is pincode of Yengunda B.O in Aurad (b) city of district Bidar of KARNATAKA State.

District:Bidar  State:KARNATAKA  Telephone:NA