Result For Pincode of city Allavaram
Office: Allavaram S.O
Pin Code: 533217
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533217 is pincode of Allavaram S.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:08856-259459
Office: Bodasakurru S.O
Pin Code: 533215
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533215 is pincode of Bodasakurru S.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:08856-245029
Office: Godilanka B.O
Pin Code: 533217
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533217 is pincode of Godilanka B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Goditippa B.O
Pin Code: 533217
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533217 is pincode of Goditippa B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Guthulavaripalem B.O
Pin Code: 533217
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533217 is pincode of Guthulavaripalem B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Kodurupadu B.O
Pin Code: 533218
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533218 is pincode of Kodurupadu B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Komaragiripatnam B.O
Pin Code: 533210
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533210 is pincode of Komaragiripatnam B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Samanthakurru B.O
Pin Code: 533217
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533217 is pincode of Samanthakurru B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Tummalapalli B.O
Pin Code: 533210
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533210 is pincode of Tummalapalli B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Turupulanka B.O
Pin Code: 533217
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533217 is pincode of Turupulanka B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA
Office: Vodalarevu B.O
Pin Code: 533210
City: Allavaram
PinCode 533210 is pincode of Vodalarevu B.O in Allavaram city of district East Godavari of ANDHRA PRADESH State.
District:East Godavari State:ANDHRA PRADESH Telephone:NA